Submitted by: Vivek Kaushik

The need for a thought leader and customer friendly image is sacrosanct when you are a big player in the industry. It takes a lot to carve a niche of yourself or your company but to maintain that image is a different ball game altogether. Everyone is not blessed with a knack to charm the fourth estate i.e. the media. The press is a tricky pitch and it takes a professional to handle the fine nuances. This is where public relations come into play. The PR guys are exactly what you are looking for to conduct an image makeover and highlight your USPs to the press.

Although the public relations industry is a century old industry, its influence on Indian soil was felt only in the 1990s. Before the boom of the PR industry, there were small organizations that carried out the work in a very limited domain. But with the advent of international stalwart in the Indian market, the scenario changed for good and became a much more organized and wider industry. The scope of work included everything from print to electronic media. And after the dotcom boom, the online media has become an important platform as well.


Public relations and journalism are related very closely but are different sides of the same coin. Both are closely related to each other and one cannot necessarily function by being independent from the other. All the major cities have a strong PR base with affiliated centers in all parts of the country. Delhi is a prime hub and there are renowned PR companies in Delhi that take care of accounts who are prominent figures in all major sectors like politics, finance, real estate, telecom, automobile and many more. These companies are in charge of all the press dealings that their clients undertake.

PR professionals are mediators between the public and the media. The PR professionals should work according to strict guidelines and should display utmost professionalism while dealing with sensitive subjects. They should have a clear understanding of how the media fraternity functions and should adhere to the norms. The PR agencies in Delhi NCR are known for their integrity while carrying out their duties and this has earned them some taps on their back for their commendable work.

So, as you set out to work your way up the ladder, do not forget to hire a PR agency who will look after your press duties with lan.

We provide critical reputation management, public relations, corporate communications and brand management and positioning services to a plethora of clients from diverse industries. Creativizt enjoys an enviable reputation for deliveries among the top PR companies in India. Read on to know why clients hire Creativizt, the fastest evolving PR Agency in India.

PR Agency in India Headquartered in New Delhi with branch offices in Mumbai, Bangalore, Jaipur and Chandigarh and associates in many other critical locations. You will find our young and dynamic go-getters across India, working conscientiously towards our Clients Interests and getting them results that in turn get us more clients. The Vision, the Business Model, the people, the insight, the approach, the dedication of the team is what sets us apart from any other PR Agencies in India. This is the very reason why over the years we have evolved into One of the Leading PR Agencies in India based in New Delhi.

About the Author: For more information about PR Companies in Delhi, PR agencies in Delhi NCR visit our website


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