Submitted by: Fred Vedaee

Is it easy to switch to a cheaper Home Utility Gas Company? The good news is yes.

We all know Utility gas has been deregulated in some states namely MD,NY, PA and recently California. It simply means more competition to provide natural gas to consumers with lower price and more options. You have a choice now and this is what America is all about. In cold and freezing places, for some families, natural gas bill is a very big part of monthly expense and even a few dollars a month can make a big difference in their budget. In California alone, about 10 million customers receive natural gas from a few top provides. Residential customers are about 40% and industrial customers are the remaining 60%.

For a market with this magnetite, the saving could be huge. It is hard to believe that the most basic and vital elements of our life such as water, electricity and natural gas in California are coming from other places. Although 46% of natural gas in California come from Southwest, but about 19% come from Canada, 22% from Rocky mountains and 13% from basins in California.


Natural Gas is a commodity, so its price can go up and down and determined by forces of demand and supply and if you have a fixed rate plan for your account, then you will not see the difference. The idea of Natural gas deregulation started in 1980 and it was implemented in some states. More choices for your home and business gas providers with lower prices. Importing natural gas and providing that to customers are complicated process through pipelines and terminals, but transparent to an ordinary household or a business owner.

Through deregulation of energy markets you now have the power to choose your energy supplier and get cheaper gas with wide variety of plans and pricing options not available through your local utility. What is more, no changes in the generation, delivery or maintenance of your natural gas service.

Now that we have this opportunity, a question must be answered. How do we do that with the least interruptions? Is it possible to do it seamlessly? Yes. But pay attention to how it is delivered to you. In your current gas bill, there is only one payment due which consists of usage and delivery fee combined. Most of us do not pay attention and do not care. Now that there are more small natural gas providers, they can have a bit different billing system and you may receive two separate bills which is the original fee broken down, but much lower all together. As long as it is clear in the plan, you all can save money.

Just like anything else, you need to do your homework and find a list of providers and study their plans and offers and find a suitable one for our needs. Natural gas deregulation just started in California and this is an opportunity for you to save money or you choose to stay with the same company and pay more.

About the Author: Fred Vedaee is the owner of discounted home services

. website which includes a dedicated page for discount home services you already use. Plans with Unlimitted phone calls, no tax and free shipping and cheaper utility gas due to de-regulation.



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