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By Terry Small
Massage oils are usually used on alternative and natural body treatment for as long as we can remember. They are primarily used by ancient physicians and herbalists during their medical treatments. Nowadays, massage oils are popularly known and used as mediums during a massage therapy. These types of oils come in different types, smell, color and texture. All of these though share the same purpose and objective which is to enhance the physical and emotional health condition of a person.
However, keep in mind that the various types of massage oils can be used on the skin of any patient during a massage therapy session. Some people have sensitive skin that reacts on certain types of massage oils. That is why a consultation from the doctor prior to a massage therapy session is essential if you want a successful, enjoyable and problem-free therapeutic massage. Usually, the medical records of the patients are checked before a massage therapy is scheduled to see and know if there are any complications, allergies, or other types of medical problems.
As a standard procedure and a common practice on most types of massage therapies, massage oil is applied on the skin of the undressed patient during the massage therapy session. This is for the advantage of having a good manipulation of the body parts for the massage therapist.
In case you have allergies, the best thing to do is to consult with your doctor. And he will discuss the possible types of massage oils that wouldn t react with your skin. Ask for your doctor s opinion regarding the certain oils that you have interest in and inquire if they are suitable for use on your body. In case they are not safe to use, you can drop them from your massage oil list and look for alternatives.
You can also look for tons of great information through the internet to broaden your knowledge on the many different types of oils that you can use on your massage therapy session. You can compare their advantages and disadvantages as you can have an access on many ready information when searching with the internet.
Some oils are less greasy than the others that is why researching on the many various types of massage oils is important. Sweet almond oil is a popular type of oil used during a therapeutic massage as most patients find it comfortable on their skin as it is slightly oily and doesn t have a foul smell. Not only that, it is also affordable as compared to the other popular types of massage therapy oils. The absorption of the skin is also fairly quick unlike the other types of oils that are absorbed very fast by the skin. This is important as the massage therapist can focus on working with your body during your massage therapy instead of constantly adding up massage oil on your skin.
If you are planning on having a massage therapy, starting with the ideal types of oils to be used should be on your concern to have a pleasurable and relaxing massage therapy.
About the Author: I write for TIR Massage Stone about
hot stone massage
massage stone
therapy including hot and cold applications.
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