Submitted by: Books By Adam Bertram

Unlike other online business opportunities, starting an online book selling business can be done with only a couple hundred dollars. If you have bulk used books as part of your own personal collection, you can start selling them online. You will not only make a profit out of it; you can also declutter your very own shelf space. If you want to widen your inventory and meet other people who like books in the process, you may want to invest on buying and reselling used books.

Before you start to sell used books online, you must know where to find saleable books at low cost. An excellent way to begin is buying books from Friends of the Library, an organization which raises money for public libraries by selling used books. These books are often well priced and in very good quality.

Libraries make new shelf space by liquidating older copies of books or duplicating copies to sell them to the public. Friends of the Library is a nonprofit charitable group which aims to support libraries in their communities. These are volunteers working collectively and independently to preserve, promote and strengthen library services in cooperation with library management and policies.


Volunteers contribute their time and effort in the lifelong education of the public by the promotion, support, assistance and improvement of libraries through various activities conducted by friends and user groups. One of the organization’s fundraising project is an annual book sale. Here you can find a wide array of collections of used books which you can use to grow your list of titles. This in turn can give you free access to the biggest marketplace for selling books–book lovers and library-goers themselves.

You can buy high-quality books at a low cost from the Friends of the Library. You do not want to end up with a pile of used books that nobody wants to purchase. By buying books from the Friends of the Library, you can rest assured that there is a market for the books you are about to sell. Be it literature, textbooks, reference books and other non-fiction rarities, the fact that they are lifted from the very shelves of public libraries guarantees that you are selling some classic stuff. Who knows, some of them might even turn out as first edition collectibles you can sell for a much higher price.

In some counties, Friends of the Library book sales have grown into a year-round operation. You just have to inquire at your local library about the organization and their book sale activities. Keep in mind that not only will you find well-priced books here; you are also helping the organization to fund several community projects.

So the next time you pass by a library selling bulk used books, it is noteworthy to check them out and when you go shopping for books, buy with selling in mind. There are people who become relatively successful in online book selling and even put up their own online bookstore. In this kind of business, the important thing is to always update your inventory and listing.

About the Author: If you are interested in finding out additional effective strategies for achieving profitability in the online bookselling business, please visit

. Here you will find helpful articles, proven techniques in selling books online, and daily updates with new tips and tricks of the trade.


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