Breast Milk Supply and Increase Breast Milk Home Remedies


Dr. Lee Mikal

Breast milk promotes sensory and cognitive development, and protects the infant against infectious and chronic diseases.

Exclusive breastfeeding reduces infant mortality due to common childhood illnesses such as diarrhea or pneumonia, and helps for a quicker recovery during illness.

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Breast milk is often referred to as “liquid gold,” and storing it safely is key. There is a lot of conflicting research about the advantages and disadvantages of storage containers made from particular materials.

When storing breast milk at home after pumping, it’s generally recommended that you pour the milk into clean BPA-free plastic storage container or polyethylene bottle liner, or simply keep it in the pump bottle.

Breastfeeding is one of the most natural and beneficial activities for mother and baby. There is no other single action by which a mother can so dramatically impact the present and future health of her baby.

No formula can duplicate the unique properties of breastmilk, no matter how many vitamins, minerals and supplements are added to what is basically a chemical formulation.


Breast milk is the one and only natural, complete and complex nutrition for human infants. Just as importantly, breastfeeding promotes an exceptional bond between mother and baby that only a mother can provide.

Breastfeeding or bottle feeding your newborn baby is a personal decision. If you choose to breastfeed, it will be helpful if you are in a supportive environment and have resources to assist you with questions you may have or breastfeeding problems that may develop.

Breast Milk Storage

1.Milk post-pumping could be varying in colour, thickness & how it smells based on the mother s dietetic intake and is not irregular. Milk in storage has a tendency of separating into layering with creamy section rising afloat. Hence, in a gentle manner swirling the warmed-up bottle for mixing up the milk stratum.

2.One could keep adding miniscule quantities of breast milk post-cooling to the analogous container under refrigeration all through the day. Do not add tepid milk to milk which is by then at cool temperature.

3.Addition of Breast milk after pumping to chilled milk could be done except when its chilling is firstly done & the amount is lesser as compared to what s been put under freeze.

Increase Breast Milk Home Remedies

1.Dip few Fenugreek seeds (Menthi) in water for few hours, then boil it till the seeds are smooth and this can be taken with Milk after delivery helps to increase breast milk.

2.Use of Black gram (Urad) in any form like dal, idli, etc helps in increasing breast milk.

3.Drinking Carrot juice regularly helps to increase breast milk.

4.Eating raw Onion along with meals helps to increase breast milk.

5.Eating Roasted Cumin seeds (Jeera) with Sugar twice a day after delivery helps to increase breast milk.

6.Eating Grapes also helps to increase breast milk.

7.Taking boiled Drumstick (Muranka Bhaji) leaves during pregnancy helps to increase breast milk later on.

8.Massaging breasts with Castor oil (Erand) in the starting weeks of delivery also helps to increase breast milk.

9.Eating Musk melon (kharbooja) also helps to increase breast milk.


Nutrition for Breast


Bigger Breast


Small Sized Breast

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